What We Do Web Design and Implementation

We specialise in the creation of highly dynamic, entertaining, interactive, animated and informative Web Sites that give your target audience the chance to know more about your company as they explore and interact.

By combining this high level of expertise in technology and programming, with a dedication to innovative design, a focused approach, challenging ideas and creativity needed to give you that important advertising edge.

We will work with your company to tailor your site to your needs, keeping things simple and elegant while effectively and powerfully communicating your information.


Modular CMS System

Not only are you empowered to control ALL the content on your website via an intuitive and easy to use control panel, you can commission bespoke modules or bolt on additional models at anytime & without having to re-engineer your site or Database


We have a number of core modules that can be quickly and cost effectively integrated into your site. Some of the popular modules include: Marketing Mailout module, E-commerce Module, Photo Library module, Intranet Module, industry specific Modules... and the list goes on.

Bespoke Solutions

At the heart our system is the core platform, but it's extremely flexible. If you need a specific solution to your business we can develop a custom solution tailored to your business.

Your site will be UNIQUE

We don't believe in templates! Each site we build is unique and it will be designed to your specifications both front end and backend.

Supported platform

Once your site is live our commitment to you doesn't stop there, we will support and service your website and apply any software updates as and when they are developed. If you make a mistake we are on hand to help you resolve it.

Keep your site fresh

If it's a marketing mail, a new promotion, or re-vamping your homepage

We are Small... but perfectly formed

When you meet with us it won't be in a fancy Mayfair studio. We don't have large overheads and this reflects in our price and indeed in the personal service we delivery.


Find out more check out our download factsheets


How we can help?
Web Science...
Why not download our series of Factsheets on further information on how we could help you.

Factsheet 1

graphic designed website construction factsheet 1

Factsheet 2

graphic designed website construction factsheet 1

Factsheet 3

graphic designed website construction factsheet 1

For further information about
Graphik Distinction
or to speak with
someone about your requirements
please email: gerrardj@graphik.co.uk